Five brief points in this Food For Faith update.
ADVENT Brief daily encouragements begin again later this week, every morning in your inbox for those who are receiving today’s update email. Encourage others to sign up at www.foodforfaith.org.nz. Share the following sentence (cut and paste) with your parish, school or chaplaincy newsletter editor: FOOD FOR FAITH FOR ADVENT. Sign up at www.foodforfaith.org.nz to prepare for Christmas by receiving daily email encouragements with Fr. John O’Connor.
RETREAT DAY I’m offering a 10.00am -3.00pm retreat day this Saturday (30 November) at St. Patrick’s Church, 31 Gerald Street, Lincoln (more info below or email me john@fff.org.nz). Perhaps you’ve never taken retreat time before. Call a friend or two and take a Saturday drive in the country. I look forward to meeting you there. No need to register, just turn up. (BYO lunch). And note I’m available across the country for retreat sessions and parish missions of an hour or two or a day or three. Contact me to chat about possibilities.
CAFE GATHERINGS One of the FFF successes in recent years has been the Cafe gatherings. Send me a date, time and cafe name with your first name & I’ll add these to the daily Advent posts. Then turn up, scribble FFF on a napkin in the centre of the table, and wait to see who arrives. Then simply chat for an hour about your experiences of Christ.
MORE FIFTH GOSPEL LIVING I’m delighted with the response to FIFTH GOSPEL LIVING (click on the image below to order or contact me john@fff.org.nz). Several people have contacted me saying that they want to share an experience so I’m now collecting for the second volume of FIFTH GOSPEL LIVING. Simply write up to 400 words sharing one personal experience of Jesus and email this to me before the end of this year. You may know of others who might write so please encourage them and share this invitation with them.
THANK YOU to all who support this FFF mission with your prayer, by encouraging others to read the reflections, and (especially in recent weeks) with your financial support. A month ago we were struggling, but the generous response of so many has enabled us to plan the next few months with confidence. Along with generous one-off gifts several others have pledged regular monthly contributions. This is especially helpful for our budgeting. If you missed the support request you can read it at this link.
with Christ
Notice shared with my parish. Thanks for this update.