Every month I meet with the four Food For Faith Trustees, Kate, Chris, Merv & Catherine…
sabbatical summary
The experience of these months was more than I could have hoped for and i am grateful to all who made it possible.
tuning in
If you saw a burning bush, would you (a) call 911, (b) get the hot dogs, or (c) recognise God?
FFF into the future
I am happy to forward to you the first annual Food For Faith Charitable Trust Financial Report
gratitude & support
Over the next few months your generosity will determine the rate of our growth.
moving forward
WIth the recent development and growth of the FFF mission we are asking all readers to update their email preferences
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culture & faith
Today we mark 184 years since the first signatures were put to the Treaty of Waitangi

My suggestion is that in a time of retreat what we are retreating from is all that is not reality.

he simply sought to be fully with the one or two people he was with in any moment, and that was enough.

in the world
I was caught up in the drama and intrigue. I love a good story.

At conception, our human life begins. At baptism, our eternal life begins