Lent & Advent
just chatting

just chatting

Fifth Gospel Living Vol II. I am inviting you to write, sharing one experience of God in up to 400 words.

flesh & blood

flesh & blood

I suppose its inevitable that with a surname like O’Connor Irish ancestry is presumed.

try it (-:

try it (-:

you are growing beyond much of what has limited you earlier.

no distance

no distance

There is no distance between God and me. And that’s a simple fact not a tricky riddle.



which do you prefer, the dark night or the bright light?

you wouldn’t dance

you wouldn’t dance

I realised that my primary vocation was not to be a photocopy, but a unique creation in the divine image.

JB the day

JB the day

A healthy happy human person is a sign-post that points to God.

true freedom

true freedom

life in silence and prayer within a physical cloister enclosure might seem to some rather restricted and unfree.

an ultimate adventure

an ultimate adventure

A Diocesan Priest belongs not in a monastery-cloister but in the neighbourhoods of the people.

Impossible? Not!

Impossible? Not!

I know I’ve used the image above before, but it remains one of my favourites.

Latest Posts

leisure & success

leisure & success

a discovery of James Joyce and after a couple of his novels I’m hooked.



After hatching a couple of weeks ago the three chicks grew in their nest until today.

crooked lines

crooked lines

Here’s an inclusive grace you might like to use at your Christmas meal this year

your turn

your turn

I want to give you the chance to share a Christmas message.

the bells

the bells

Pour forth, we beseech you, O Lord, your grace into our hearts