dealing with grief

dealing with grief

Every week I spend time with people who are carrying the burden of grief. I know that there is little I can do or say to ease the pain. While I learnt some grief theory...

facing fear

facing fear

The liturgy of Good Friday gives us an opportunity to face our greatest fear, the fear of death.

unto dust…

unto dust…

The encouragement that usually accompanies the imposition of Ash Wednesday ashes is "Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel." But when I was a child the...

not death but life

not death but life

On Good Friday earlier in the year I had the privilege of preaching the sermon at the morning ecumenical service held at St. Mary’s Co-operating Church in Culverden....

funerals, and hope

funerals, and hope

Last month I celebrated Mass on the anniversary of the death of my mother (9 February 2009) and father (10 February 2010). My father would often comment that we could...

celebrating life?

celebrating life?

Today a friend posted this blog posting on funerals on his Facebook page. Thanks Pete for sharing this - a very helpful reflection....

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At conception, our human life begins. At baptism, our eternal life begins

the seekers

the seekers

If the Magi had settled for seeking creature comforts, they would never have encountered the Lord.



May the Lord uncover his face to you, and give you peace

God’s resolution

God’s resolution

God has resolved to carry me through whatever happens in a day and through the year

leisure & success

leisure & success

a discovery of James Joyce and after a couple of his novels I’m hooked.