We find happiness in life when we are tuned to the voice of God. How can we do this in the midst of the many noises that surround and bombard us?
God’s will
in great company
It was a delight to spend time last night with five of our six seminarians for the diocese of Christchurch at Holy Cross Seminary in Auckland, and later in the evening...
what am i to do?
It is appropriate as we celebrate Vocations Sunday, to allow the Holy Spirit to realign our thinking and acting about the purpose of human existence, so that we might...
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hopeful living
the theme for this Jubilee Year: Pilgrims of Hope.

Valentine’s Day
If I had to wait for the feeling I wouldn’t get around actually loving

he tangata
to recognise each and every person as the pinnacle of divine activity

culture & faith
Today we mark 184 years since the first signatures were put to the Treaty of Waitangi

My suggestion is that in a time of retreat what we are retreating from is all that is not reality.