yes, alright.

yes, alright.

Late this afternoon Fr. Kevin Clark, priest of the Catholic Diocese of Christchurch, completed his earthly pilgrimage.

on our knees

on our knees

Who needs God (we think)? We can achieve all we need on our own. And then a completely unexpected event brings us back to earth. We are grounded. We are on our knees.

Xt. the Kg. prep.

Xt. the Kg. prep.

If you are preparing to preach this coming Sunday for the feast of Christ the King you might find these thoughts helpful. In 1925 Pope Pius XI spoke strongly against...

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he simply sought to be fully with the one or two people he was with in any moment, and that was enough.

in the world

in the world

I was caught up in the drama and intrigue. I love a good story.



At conception, our human life begins. At baptism, our eternal life begins

the seekers

the seekers

If the Magi had settled for seeking creature comforts, they would never have encountered the Lord.



May the Lord uncover his face to you, and give you peace