In the early 1980‘s I lived for six years preparing for priesthood at Holy Cross seminary in Mosgiel. In the late 1990’s when the number of seminarians was relatively...
time – the recipe
Much of the time, I feel as though there is not enough time for me to do the many things I need to do and the many more things that I want to do. When I was younger I...
life-giving law
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. The people I spend time with during the average week are...
in all forms, and at every stage
One of the biggest news stories to come out of last week's Christchurch A&P show was the outrage that some people felt at the presence of the "life" stand at the...
He is risen indeed - Alleluia. An opportunity to reflect on the significance of Easter; not simply an historical event, not a mere resuscitation of a body, but an...
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he simply sought to be fully with the one or two people he was with in any moment, and that was enough.

in the world
I was caught up in the drama and intrigue. I love a good story.

At conception, our human life begins. At baptism, our eternal life begins

the seekers
If the Magi had settled for seeking creature comforts, they would never have encountered the Lord.

May the Lord uncover his face to you, and give you peace