Somewhere we picked up the false idea that highs mean happy and lows mean sad.
Today's first reading is the magnificent hymn of love from St. Paul's first letter to the people of Corinth. I recall once meeting with a couple to prepare their...
Pentecost fire
Bishop Michael Curry's sermon at the royal wedding was inspiring and makes an ideal reflection for today's great feast of Pentecost. I especially enjoyed when the...
Monday morn
The gospel readings of each Sunday are a central part of the nourishment given in the liturgy which sets us up for the week ahead. Too often the gospel is not heard or...
where is love ?
Christmas Greetings to you all. There are many things that I could share in this Christmas day clip, but the image that keeps coming to mind is the Christmas dinner...
a touchstone
A good homily story I heard a number of years ago had as its punch-line "remember that the most important thing, is to always keep the most important thing, as the most...
hope emerging
Yesterday I had the privilege of taking part in the Funeral Mass and burial rites of a much-loved Christchurch woman. Wendy died early last week decades too young at...
love is…
One of the great privileges in the life of a priest is to celebrate weddings. I am very aware that the last thing that the couple or their family and friends gathered...
safely restored
I have no doubt that over the centuries today's gospel reading has fired up many a preacher of the fire and brimstone sermon style. Here is the end of today's gospel:...
fall in love, again
It is a glorious summer's morning here in Cheviot. I'm thinking of the many people around the world who are suffering the weather at present with, extreme cold in the...
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At conception, our human life begins. At baptism, our eternal life begins

the seekers
If the Magi had settled for seeking creature comforts, they would never have encountered the Lord.

May the Lord uncover his face to you, and give you peace

God’s resolution
God has resolved to carry me through whatever happens in a day and through the year

leisure & success
a discovery of James Joyce and after a couple of his novels I’m hooked.