It is not enough for me as an adult to believe because parents and religious leaders told me so.
Jesus is not referring to the hungry or homeless as the nameless poor. He gives them HIS name, HIS identity.
it’s not magic
There is a tendency to see prayer as an incantation recited in the hope of magically causing a response. But magic is not what we want. It’s relationship with God that we are seeking.
Job in the dung
The first readings of the liturgy this week give daily segments of the 42 chapters of the Old Testament Book of Job, well-chosen to convey the message of the entire...
I heard a great little homily yesterday morning. I suspect the priest didn't think he was being particularly inspiring, but I was encouraged and moved by his words. In...
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in the world
I was caught up in the drama and intrigue. I love a good story.
At conception, our human life begins. At baptism, our eternal life begins
the seekers
If the Magi had settled for seeking creature comforts, they would never have encountered the Lord.
May the Lord uncover his face to you, and give you peace
God’s resolution
God has resolved to carry me through whatever happens in a day and through the year