It only takes one person living uncompromisingly in relationship with Jesus Christ to begin a movement of renewal
just pruning
Perhaps the pain you are experiencing today is not a cutting that causes death but a pruning that is preparing you to live more freely and fully ?
Good Friday
Anyone who really wanted to get rid of suffering would have to get rid of love before anything else, because there can be no love without suffering,
to Jerusalem
“More than ever I find myself in the hands of God. This is what I have wanted all my life from my youth
choosing life
Our greatest human desire is not to be free of suffering and pain, but to live whatever reality is present in the great company…
hopeful endurance
None of us likes to suffer, but on reflection we do know that at times we have had the maturity and the patience to endure times of difficulty knowing it is the only pathway to a greater reward.
facing fear
We spend most of our lives running from death and the daily moments that feel deathly. We do our best to avoid such uncomfortable realities and expend time, energy and resources trying to avoid anything that hints at death.
full immersion
Our adult life of faith, actively seeking maturity in following Christ, demands as a first step the reawakening of a desire to be fully and authentically human.
facing demons
I'm happy to receive regular social media updates from Dr. Robert Wicks and this week one of his reflections began "The darkness we experience in life often tells just...
Job in the dung
The first readings of the liturgy this week give daily segments of the 42 chapters of the Old Testament Book of Job, well-chosen to convey the message of the entire...
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the seekers
If the Magi had settled for seeking creature comforts, they would never have encountered the Lord.

May the Lord uncover his face to you, and give you peace

God’s resolution
God has resolved to carry me through whatever happens in a day and through the year

leisure & success
a discovery of James Joyce and after a couple of his novels I’m hooked.

After hatching a couple of weeks ago the three chicks grew in their nest until today.