Every now and then I check the stats for this blog. These tell me a number of things, including how many people have visited the blog, and where they live. Over the last year the readership has increased significantly, and 2000 more people visited foodforfaith in July than in June. I can also see that until last year the majority of readers were from New Zealand, but now most live in the USA with a growing number in Europe.
I’m not much interested in the numbers. If one person each week finds something in what I share that encourages them in a difficult moment, then I am satisfied.
There are many ways to waste time on the internet. My hope is that foodforfaith will be like the internet attic that stores things both old and new, challenging and encouraging, humourous, serious, demanding and stimulating.
There are now almost 1000 entries on this blog including the links to the Holy Land pilgrimage and sabbatical blogs. Some of the most popular postings have been uploaded within hours of the event they referred to. Most significant among these were the entries on the election of Pope Francis.
In recent months I (with the support of Jason and Tim from the Catholic Youth Team) tried a few “in a minute” Youtube clips on the site. The response to these has been very positive. There has also been the suggestion that I prepare 10 minute podcasts on a regular basis on a variety of topics.
I am happy to do this. The problem is that the site is outgrowing this basic “blogger” hosting platform. For the past three months I have been in discussions with a possible support network (both in terms of people and finance) that would enable the formation of a “foodforfaith” website to host the blog, the video clips and the podcasts. Please keep this project in your prayers, and watch this space!
Most of all i am aware that the significant growth in readership is due to you who are readers spreading word to others. While (as I mentioned) I’m not too interested in the numbers, for the potential sponsor uses numbers as the only reliable criteria!
So first of all, pray that if the Lord wants the blog to develop and grow, then His will be done.
Secondly, as so many of you have already, don’t hesitate to invite others to google search “foodforfaith,” or email a link to them.
Thank you for your support!
Fr. John O’Connor