God and beer

Nov 4, 2013

No more sleeps till tonight’s “Theology on Tap” gathering at Robbies bar in Elmwood Christchurch.  View the Facebook Event information at this link.  As I spend today preparing my plan is to make the evening even more inspiring (and enjoyable) than the competition on TV – The Block andGrey’s Anatomy.
I thought this session would be a good chance for us to, over a beer, explore in a robust and real way, the beauty of faith. My fear is that in a couple of weeks we will gather for the diocesan Faithfest to mark the end of the Year of Faith without really having used the year as an opportunity to deepen our personal experience of faith.  The Faithfest will be a wonderful celebration – but are we daily having theZacchaeus encounter with Jesus that we heard about in yesterday’s readings at Mass?For your information, the flyer from the Facebook Eventpage reads:

Come and join us for the second to last Theology on TAP of 2013.
Topic: Being ‘Faith-full’ beyond the Year of Faith
“When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth…” In asking this question of his disciples, is Jesus just being a bit over-dramatic with a rhetorical question, or is Jesus demanding a response from we who call ourselves his followers?
Join Fr. John O’Connor (Catholic Priest and author of the ‘Food for Faith Blog’) as he explores this question and offers practical encouragements for those who seek to live faithful lives beyond this “Year of Faith”
Come for a listen, some food and maybe a drink! Invite your friends, especially those wanting to learn more about the Catholic faith! p.s 18 and over event.
For more info contact Tim 022 3834508

While the event is organised by the Catholic Youth Team, it is open to people of all ages who seek to grow in faith.

I hope to see you there. Forward this link to others and bring a friend or two.


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