For some time I have been posting a link on Facebook whenever I update this Food For Faith page. It is a way of reaching out to those who might be interested but have not yet subscribed to Food For Faith. This also makes it easier for people to share the content, simply by sharing the Facebook posting with the link to the website.
Over the last few weeks I have decided to change my approach and make the Food For Faith Facebook page more informal with perhaps a pic and a sentence that might be encouraging, inspiring or just interesting for others. I will continue to post a link whenever I upload to the website. Yesterday I began by posting a few key moments in “A Sunday in the life of a priest.” You can take a look at this link. Please go to the page and “like” it! There is also a Twitter page and you can find it here.
I am always happy to hear your comments and suggestions.
Thank you
hi john; not being a face book user makes me intrigued as to the advantages of it though clearly it like twitter provides the chance to snap shot events. i enjoyed the photos of the various hurunui churches . there is definitely a photo essay or fundraising calendar idea in there somewhere. For some one like me who only knows St Roch’s it was great to see some of the other parish churches in the hurunui so perhpas you could post some other snaps.
these small rural churches have a charm of their own, often an austerity or plain-ness that while ordinary in the context of splendid churches and great cathedrals do however convey the essence of the faithful community that gather there each week.
ps always great to see that sunday evenings for parish priests provides the space for pleasant food and a good beer, though i trust given the number of open bottles there was a gathering of more than one!
Hi Mike, the response to my five Sunday pics was enthusiastic so I will do more of this kind of informal posting to the Facebook page. Interestingly the beer pic received more than three times as many hits as the church pics! I suppose that is appropriate since Jesus spent a lot more time eating and drinking than he did in churches!