I’m being saved

Dec 4, 2021


As people who strive to live in relationship with Christ, taking every opportunity to deepen our relationship with Christ (even to using these daily Food For Faith reflections), we can fall into thinking that we have already been called and now must share what we have received: that we have been called by Christ, now we are the labourers in the great harvest seeking the lost sheep.

While this is true of course, we also need to remember that while I am a disciple and a labourer alongside Christ, I also remain every moment a lost sheep, myself in need of salvation. (ref. today’s gospel)

The best response to the question “have you been saved” is not a past tense yes I have been saved, but a present tense, here-and-now experience “I am being saved.”

You might like to:

  • Sometime today begin a conversation with one of your Christian companions by asking them: How have you noticed Jesus saving you today?
  • Click the candle image below to visit the FFF Prayer Request page and take a moment to add your own request, or to pray for someone else’s intention. If you check the “email” box before submitting your request you will receive a note whenever someone prays for your intention. With your participation this page can become a powerhouse of the support of shared prayer.


  1. Interesting approach to the Pentecostal question of have you been saved. As someone who has had a personal encounter with Jesus, I’m afraid I have to differ on this one Fr John. I have been saved, of that I have no doubt. And my salvation continues every day as I share that good news. While I do find it interesting that there is a best response option suggested at the moment I’ll go with how I’m feeling on this one, particularly given what I am witnessing in the life of a close friend who walks a Pentecostal path as he awaits his personal encounter with Jesus. Peace be with you and God bless. Keep up the great work!

  2. Thanks Fr John. “I am being saved” is eminently more credible.


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