The mother of Zebedee’s sons came to Jesus, humbly bowing low and ready to speak. Jesus got in first asking “What is it you want?”
For some reason that question reminds me of the Spice Girls hit a dozen years ago with its repetitive lyric: tell me what you want what you really really want!
Perhaps our problem is that we don’t know what we really want?
When Mrs Zebedee is asked she stumbles an answer seeking power and wealth for her two boys in Jesus’ kingdom.
We might dream of a magic moment when a magician appears offering us three wishes. We fantasise about what we might ask for.
But let’s now remember that this is the stuff of fairy tales. Magician’s don’t appear to us offering instant prizes.
No problem – something better is on offer: Today Jesus is offering us our heart’s desire, gazing directly at each of us asking: “What is it you want?
How do I respond?
I can try to think about what I want, what I think i need…
…or I can ask Jesus to reveal to me my heart’s desire, what it is that I really really want.
Let’s try that prayer today.
thank you John – inspirational as always 🙂
Our wants are for a car, home, good job, promotion, healthy children. And we will constantly be wanting.
But as you say Fr.John, we have to go deep into our Heart, and allow Jesus to reveal just what is our Hearts real desire. Love the Lord you God with all your heart and with all your Soul and to love your neighbour as yourself.
Ukraine will soon be on that journey of discovery.
Yes so often we think of what we want is material needs. When we delve deeper it really is for our family to be happy, healthy and kind. This was such a good reminder
The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. HE Ana’s blessed us everything even unconditional