the new horizon

Dec 29, 2022

“Anyone who claims to be in the light
but hates another
is still in the dark.
But anyone who loves their brother and sister
is living in the light
and need not be afraid of stumbling;
unlike the one who hates another
and is in the darkness,
not knowing where they is going,”

It is relatively easy to adhere to and attach to the externals of religion, fitting in with a group who practice disciplines of regular worship with prayer and fasting, donating generously to good causes, and glowing in the reward of feeling virtuous. If our faith were simply a religion we could relax in such complacent comfort.

John, in his first little New Testament letter, understands that it is possible to keep all the external requirements of good religion, while still living in the darkness.

The Pharisees were often accused of this by Jesus.

Those who live in this way may have made a good and lofty ethical choice, but they are not yet living as disciples of Jesus, and they struggle to delight in the fact that in Jesus, God is with us.

It is helpful to appreciate that we all fall into this trap, splitting ourselves, our time, our energy, our hearts and our desires, between the light and the dark.

It is helpful to realise that any time we feel hate, envy or antagonism towards another, we are experiencing our capacity for maturation of faith, Put simply our anger is our darkness, and it is killing us.

Life in the light is true life and anything less is a sad compromise.

This prayer is probably the most often prayed prayer for healing from anger and resentment, known as the Fourth Step Resentment Prayer from AA.

God, Please help me
to be free of anger
and to see that the world
and its people
have dominated me.
Show me that the wrong-doing of others,
fancied or real,
has the power to actually kill me.
Help me to master my resentments
by understanding
that the people who wrong me
were perhaps spiritually sick.
Please help me show those I resent
the same Tolerance, Pity and Patience
that I would cheerfully grant a sick friend.
Lord, help me to avoid retaliation or argument.
I know I can’t be helpful to all people,
but at least show me
how to take a kindly and tolerant view
of each and every one.
Thy will be done.”


  1. An exemplary reflection and prayer to raise my consciousness this morning; thank you.

    I am reminded that Compassion and Mercy are jewels of Love … my birthright of the Love and Light of God.

    My prayer this morning is that we may all regularly perceive the transformational reality of The New Horizon’ that is born within each one of us.

    Nga Manaakitanga

  2. This morning’s reflection has helped start my day

  3. Thank you for the nudge Fr John. A wonderful reflection. Much needed.

  4. I guess I may be walking in the darkness.
    So many leaders upset me by their terrible ways. So cruel.
    Jesus was badly treated by these people,
    but He forgave them. He died to save us from hating others…He wants us to live our life in His light, to be a good person.
    I will try to be that person and forgive.
    Thank you. God bless.

  5. I have been so helped to understand Love with Scott Pecks definition
    The willingness to EXTEND oneself for the spiritual wellbeing one self or another..
    Is it at this space of extention that the Holy Spirit dwells?
    Does Christ wait to be invited to that space of desire.
    Do I have to?
    Do I want to?
    Do I choose to?

  6. What a brilliant prayer – daily for me now. Again, thank you.


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