It’s hard to know what to say when greeting grieving family at a funeral. In that awkward and unrehearsed moment we want to get it right and offer some real comfort. Several years after his own mother’s funeral a grieving son was still laughing when recalling one church leader who took both his hands as he stood at the hearse and commented “if it’s not one thing it’s another”.
That’s been on my mind a lot these days with news of day after day suffering in every part of the world. After the Auckland floods earlier this months there was the Turkey Syria earthquake with a death toll nearing 50,000 and now the cyclone devastation in the north of Aotearoa .
If it’s not one thing it’s another.
When will we get a break?
We’ve all lived long enough to know that every day brings it’s unexpected, unwanted and often unwarranted challenges,
This is why I share these Food For Faith reflections, for those who are wanting to experience and grow with Jesus Christ, God-with-us, is the midst the often difficult realities of life.
Every day I need the reminder that faith is not an escape from life but the way to live abundantly in every one thing or another.
Faith enables us to welcome the joys when they arrive, and not only survive but to thrive through every adversity.
In a couple of days with Ash Wednesday the daily Food For Faith Lenten reflections begin. (If you received this post by email you are already signed up.) Spread the word and invite others to join us growing in maturity of faith with us signing up at this link.
Fr John
It’s good to have you back on line for the Lenten period.
Fr John thank you for your faithfulness
Yes – we need daily reminders, thank you – looking forward to your lenten reflections.
We are looking forward to Lent with your daily reflections. From the USA
Looking forward for talks