It’s Census day in Aotearoa today, our five-yearly opportunity to (according to the 2023 census website) “represent ourselves, our families, whānau, communities, and cultures.”
I’m reminded of the Bible censuses, especially the one early in Luke providing the reason that Jesus of Nazareth was born in Bethlehem.
In recent years our NZ national census process has struggled, partly because of our difficulty with digital formats, but perhaps more significantly because of a well-intentioned move towards politically-correct but often vague wording.
This year in the religion question people are advised “The question is about the religion(s) you have now, rather than any religion(s) you used to have. It is up to you to decide what religion(s) you feel you have now.”
This comment subtly encourages people who are entitled to chose the first option (confidently naming their religion of baptism and belief) to choose option two (no religion) or three (object to answering).
Statistics from the religion questions of recent censuses reveal what we already know: that most of those who are baptised as Christians have little regular connection with the faith-community of their upbringing. Many church communities make the mistake measuring commitment of parishioners based only on attendance at Sunday worship.
However a Christian is one who is on a journey towards practicing the presence of God 24-7.
Some may begin their journey to 24-7-practice with a weekly Sunday hour while others start by labouring for justice on behalf of the broken-hearted, yearning for personal or family healing and forgiveness, or a quick prayer when feeling anxious or burdened in sleepless dark night hours.
There’s a great little invitation hidden in today’s first reading which has led me to re-define practicing Christianity. The Christian is one who responds to Jesus’ gentle invitation at any hour of the day or night: “Come now, let us talk this over…”
Now there’s a great start for Christian practice: conversation (talking and listening) with Jesus.
I’m delighted when I hear Christians who may not have been near a church for decades proudly name themselves as Anglican, Baptist, Presbyterian or Catholic. These people have understood that while our response is important, Christian baptism marks us for eternity as people of God and gives us the right to name ourselves as a part of our Christian family.
I’ve quoted before the inspiring message of Pope Benedict at his 2005 inauguration Mass: “We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution. Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed, each of us is loved, each of us is necessary.”
That sounds like the motto for this year’s Aotearoa census: “All of us count.”
A few hours ago we heard of the death of prominent New Zealander Georgina Beyer, who in 2005 became the world’s first openly transgender Member of Parliament. I recall her soon after her election being verbally attacked and abused by a group carrying a Christian banner. She responded with equal passion telling the group that they had misunderstood the Christian message.
Of course she was right.
Well-meaning Christians often voice concern that many people have left the church. It is helpful also to consider the ways in which the church may have left the people.
I would love to have had that conversation with Georgina.
In 2020 Georgina Beyer was appointed to the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to LGBTIQA+ rights. My prayer today is that she receives with merit the ultimate award, the eternal abundance of life for which she lived.
May She Rest in Peace.. because all of us count.
FFF IN THE CAFE… Send your name and the name of a cafe or bar to john@fff.org.nz Scribble FFF on a table napkin, take a seat and wait.
Join these gatherings:
Wednesday 8 March 2023
12.30pm Black & White Coffee Cartel, Merrin Street (Directions) Bridget
Monday 13 March 2023 (and every Monday)
10.00am at Moko (Kudos) in the Bush Inn Centre Christchurch (Directions) Trish
Tuesday 14 March 2023
10.30am at Zenders 44 Hopkins Road, Newstead, Hamilton (Directions). Christina
I like how you connect the two Christian affirmations of practicing the presence of God 24-7 and with having conversations with Jesus. This connects so well with the synodal path we’re encouraged to walk with others ‘no matter the hue.’
Thank you John. Blessings on your day.
An excellent & topical food for thought to ponder on & rise to the challenge.
Father John consider us here in the Philippines…we would like to talk to you over a cup of coffee. Thank you for the enlightenment
Thank you Father John for clearly stating truth, very timely. Blessings.
Thank you, John, for reminding us of Pope Benedict’s words. How apt for these days. May ALL know & appreciate God’s love & care.
What wonderfully reassuring, but also guiding and inspiring words ! Thank you John…
Well put, John, that there are many ways of practising Christianity besides attending a church service.
Well put Fr John, especially the last (3 line) paragraph.