the players

Mar 25, 2024


Yesterday’s Palm Sunday Liturgy with the reading of the Passion is a bit of a marathon requiring stamina of body, mind and soul.

There are dozens of players in the account of the Passion of Jesus.

There are goodies and baddies, rich and poor, close friends and curious bystanders, as well as others who who would have been wondering what all the commotion was about over that long weekend long ago.

And to provide even more action and complexity to the drama some of the goodies (disciples) become the baddies (denier and betrayer), some bystanders become star performers (Simon who helps to carry Jesus’ cross and Veronica who quenches Jesus’ thirst), and some previously unheard of acquaintances have the last word (Joseph of Arimathea provides a tomb).

Which of these am I?

Which of these characters in the Passion of Jesus best represents me today?

I might be like Martha, Mary and Lazarus who remained inconspicuous enough to not feature in the account.

I would like to think that at least I could be like the respectable Joseph of Arimathea turning up when the danger was past to at least carry out the corporal work of mercy by giving Jesus dignified burial.

Perhaps I’m like Peter with his fickle love, whole-hearted and passionate in one moment, then claiming boldly in my words and actions “I do not know him.”

And then there are times when I fear my betrayals link me more closely than I would like with Judas.

As you ponder today what do you recall of the Passion of Jesus?

Is there a player, a moment, an encounter in the account that speaks to you about your own life and the invitation Jesus might be offering you to experience his closeness to you?



If you missed yesterday’s update on my Sabbatical you can catch up at this link.



Take an initiative and initiate a cafe gathering, or join these gatherings:

Monday 25 March 2024 10.00am (& every Monday). Moku Cafe. Bush Inn Centre, Waimairi Road,  Christchurch. Trish

Thursday 11 April 2024 10.00am (put the date in your diary) Stumble Inn, 200 Mangorei Road, New Plymouth. Joan

Email me to add another:

After your gathering send a sentence or two about the encounter.


1 Comment

  1. Fr John
    On listening to the reading of the Passion yesterday, it occured to me that some of these players needed gentle steering from Jesus himself in order for him to carry out the will of his Father!
    At the interrogation after his arrest the high priest asked “Are you the Christ the Son of the Blessed One”
    “ Jesus answered .
    “ I am ,and you will see the Son of Man ………coming with the clouds of heaven”
    Well the rest of the Passion we know but to me without this prompt from Jesus the Sanhedrin seemed to be having a hard time condemning Jesus to death!


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