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In this week’s Homily Studio Triona Doocey, John Kinder and Catherine Gibbs join John O’Connor to reflect on the scriptures of this coming Sunday 26th September 2021, the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time. You can read these scriptures at this link.
Left field of vision, perhaps? From the weaker side, the heart side? Not the more common stronger vision side associated with, for most, being right-handed? I don’t know. I think maybe when something comes out of left field it disturbs my rich and powerful side. This leads me to wonder: Should we be servants to the rich and powerful as well as to the earthly struggling? How do we reach the hearts of the rich and powerful? Being the opposite? Living by the commandments of loving God and neighbour and the precepts of the Lord – I can feel joyful perhaps regardless of earthly law, yet show the rich and powerful another way, another truth, another way of life, of mercy and kindness.
Thank you for your reflections. I have looked forward to Sunday morning during lockdown because of your discussions.
Thanks for your varied, thoughtful & thought provoking reflections – helpful to have different perspectives.
Grateful to have been able to weed in the sunshine as I listened to you all