Christmas Day

Dec 24, 2010

There may well be no place on earth as far from Bethlehem as the Chatham Islands. It is remarkable that the event of the incarnation has reached this place. The wise men who visited the new-born saviour were successful in their mission of taking this Good News “to the ends of the earth”.

I was very aware this morning with the couple of people at Mass, that we were not simply remembering a wonderful historical event. Instead the event of the Incarnation was once again a present event as the full reality of God became real and tangible on an altar in this isolated island antipodes of Bethlehem.

Following Mass this morning the people and I chatted (as we had last night) about the best ways for me to keep contact with them when I am in Christchurch. The people are grateful for any effort that is made and encouraged by the parishioners of OLV.

The visit of Sr Cora Grennan and Sr.Deirdre Nelson for a couple of years in July was a highlight and opened the way for future (and hopefully regular) pastoral visits of sisters.

Internet access is gradually becoming much more present on the Chathams. This makes good regular contact much easier – but this will never replace the regular visits of priests and sisters.


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