It is only mid-week. Already last Sunday seems an age ago with all that has happened.
Last Sunday morning, around 7.30, I was driving to Darfield for Mass. The effects of the Chilean Volcano were visible in the sky above Christchurch.
It was a remarkable Pentecost morning reminder: the red sky – the liturgical colour of the feast. I stopped and took this picture, and drove on to Darfield.
I was at Charing Cross just before 8am and turned the radio on in time to hear the Concert Programme play the wonderful Douglas Mews Pentecost Anthem: “A Sound Came from Heaven”. This had been on my mind since the Christchurch Cathedral Choir had sung this on Saturday at Charles’ ordination in Palmerston North.
Many might think that these coinciding moments were simply coincidence. But last Sunday morning these little events were blessings. They served to remind me of the presence and power of the Spirit of God.
Many times in the last 48 hours I have needed to remember this as we again suffer the effects of the earthquake.