Fr. Robert Barron in ChCh

Nov 29, 2011

A number of the priests of our diocese are on retreat in Christchurch this week.  The retreat is being led by Fr. Robert Barron, a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago.

He will give a lecture in Christchurch on Wednesday night. (details below)

Fr. Barron is well known as a sound and articulate theologian, and communicator of the beauty of the life of Catholic faith.

Have a look at his website
and a couple of youtube clips. The first is the trailer promoting his new TV series “Catholicism”

and an introduction to Jerusalem

and an introduction to the Season of Advent:

Pass this blog-link on to whoever you think might be interested in attending Wednesday evening’s Christchurch lecture.

Wednesday 30 November 2011, 7:30 pm 

@ Christ the King Parish Centre

NOTE NOT THURSDAY (as I blogged earlier) but WEDNESDAY
(the Thursday evening lecture is clergy only).


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