Today is the last day of Pope Francis’ weekend pilgrimage to the Holy Land. His reflections in these days give us solid food for faith. The Rome Reports website gives daily brief video summaries of the pope’s inspirations. You can sign up to receive email updates when new material is uploaded.
Yesterday, in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (containing both the hill of Calvary and the tomb of the resurrection) Pope Francis reflected:
“Let us receive the special grace of this moment. We pause in reverent silence before this empty tomb in order to rediscover the grandeur of our Christian vocation: we are men and women of resurrection, and not of death. From this place we learn how to live our lives, the trials of our Churches and of the whole world, in the light of Easter morning. Every injury, every one of our pains and sorrows, has been borne on the shoulders of the Good Shepherd who offered himself in sacrifice and thereby opened the way to eternal life”.
There are a number of ways to get daily news of Pope Francis, with links to his complete texts. You might like to try:
Salt & Light & EWTN often have live streaming of papal events.