saying it all

May 10, 2014

Last week Bishop Barry Jones marked seven years as bishop of my diocese of Christchurch New Zealand. In his teaching ministry in that time he has used innumerable words in thousands of letters, homilies, and spontaneous reflections.

And perhaps here, in one casual t-shirt caption, Bishop Barry is expressing the heart of the life of Christ, and therefore the heart of all Christian ministry.


  1. On a busy day on the other side of the world, it is good to come home to a T shirt message.
    Love made us, love holds us, love shapes and guides us. Love even laughs gently at our fear of love and shows us the truth of the flowering cross.

  2. On a chilly Saturday morning in Christchurch it was good to wake up to a T shirt message too! Congratulations Bishop Barry on 7 years – and on the t-shirt.

    Pope Francis ✔ @Pontifex
    “What zest life acquires when we allow ourselves to be filled by the love of God!”


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