A few years ago I made a retreat with the Cistercian monks at Southern Star Abbey in Kopua, New Zealand. The monastery is a beautiful place in a beautiful part of rural New Zealand. But the real beauty is found in the life of prayer which pervades the gentle rhythm of the day. You can visit the website at www.kopuamonastery.org.nz.
Today (June 9) marks sixty years since the arrival of the founding group of monks from Mount Melleray Abbey in Ireland.
The Kopua monastery extends the great Benedictine tradition of hospitality for those who need space for prayer for a few hours or a few days.
Several times each day and night the monks pray for us. Today let us each offer a prayer for them, that they may continue to remain faithful to the call to prayer, placing their desire for intimacy with Jesus Christ above all else.
YouTube Videos
The Abbey Today – Part 1 (Duration 5 minutes):
The Abbey Today – Part 2 (Duration 5 minutes):
The First 10 Years (Duration 20 minutes):