On Monday of this week the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Pope Francis met for the third time. In each of their reflections both the archbishop and the pope focussed on the call to be disciples of the Lord. Pope Francis suggested that the Lord’s question “What were you arguing about on the way? (Mk 9:33) might also apply to us” adding that “beneath his merciful gaze, we cannot claim that our division is anything less than a scandal and an obstacle…”.
Archbishop Welby responded by quoting the popes exhortation The Joy of the Gospel reminding us of our common Christian calling: “Your Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium was inspirational for all Christians. The task of making disciples is of compelling urgency so that the light of Christ may shine into every corner of the world.”
You can read the Archbishop’s reflection at this link, and the pope’s words here. and view a three-minute video clip of the meeting at this link.
Here in New Zealand we are always happy to see Archbishop David Moxon, formerly bishop of the Anglican Waikato diocese and great friend to the Catholic church in New Zealand serving in his new role as the Archbishop of Canterbury’s representative to the Holy See.
Division is a scandal; but how lovely that the Sacred Presence is leading us towards wholeness. We rejoice to see awareness mutually recognized and moving towards union. When that happens,
Jesus will be resurrected again.