It is early Sunday morning here at Hawarden in the heart of the drought-stricken Hurunui district. Apart from a few hours of periodic drizzle throughout 2014 there has not been real rain here for more than twelve months. Some parts of the parish are well served with irrigation, but other areas, particularly to the East around the Waikari and Scargill Valleys and Cheviot have really suffered with the lack of rainfall. Every day I pray for parishioners, and every day over these months I have prayed that God will send rain to us.
Throughout the night I was aware of the sound of steady rain and this morning I prayed morning prayer for the feast of the Epiphany looking out my window across the carpark to the church through heavy rain.
At Masses this morning we will pray in gratitude to God for this gift.
O thou Lord of life, send our roots rain.