It is a great delight for us here in the Hurunui to have, for the first two weeks of November, a Holy Door. The new entrance gate at the Amberley church has been designated for this purpose. It is our hope that people from around the diocese will take the opportunity to receive the graces of this Extraordinary Year of Mercy by visiting and especially by receiving the Plenary Indulgence for the Holy Year.
At the time of the Reformation indulgences were widely misused. However in their true form they provide a privileged way for baptised Catholics to experience the mercy of God in a spring-time of faith, a fresh beginning, a new opportunity to know the love and mercy of God. Because we humans depend on tangible signs and actions, four specific steps are offered to the one who wishes to receive this new beginning:
One who desires to be free from every sin and sincerely seeks to live in harmony with God
- passes through a designated Holy Door
- Receives the Sacrament of Confession
- Receives Communion
- Spends some moments in prayer for the intentions of Pope Francis. It is often suggested that praying the Apostles Creed, an Our Father, Hail Mary and a Glory Be is a good form for this prayer.
It is not necessary that these four requirements be completed on one day, however in the first two weeks of November at the Catholic Church in Amberley it is easy to receive the fullness of this grace in a single visit to the church as outlined in this booklet.
An Indulgence can be received for yourself once a day (only one Confession is required), or can be received on behalf of someone who has died thus gifting them the ultimate gift. Such prayer for the dead is a special focus of the month of November, traditionally the month of the Holy Souls following the Feast of All Souls celebrated on 2 November.
During these two weeks the church will be open for prayer from 7.00am to 9.00pm every day.
This brochure outlines the daily programme of Masses and Confessions in the Church over these next two weeks. We look forward to welcoming you to the parish of the Good Shepherd, Hurunui, and to the church of the Holy Passion of the Lord, 138a Carters Road, Amberley.