begin with beauty

Dec 31, 2016

The Lectionary for Sunday liturgy used by Catholics and many other Christian denominations gives us the opportunity to be united in prayer and to be nourished by the same scripture selections in worship each week.

This Sunday, New Year’s Day, the first reading is the well known blessing from the Testament book of Numbers. This is an ideal prayer for us to pray for each other, for friends and those we find difficult, for neighbours, workmates, and strangers we know to be suffering nearby and afar.

The English composer John Rutter has set this benediction to music. You might like to take a moment to begin the new year with beauty, praying for others as you listen at this link.

The Lord bless you and keep you:
The Lord make His face to shine upon you,
To shine upon you and be gracious, and be gracious unto you
The Lord lift up the light
Of His countenance upon you,
And give you peace,


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