For many people Friday brings the end of the work and study week. The weekend brings a great diversity of activities which is why the most interesting conversation starter on a Monday morning is “what did you get up to at the weekend?”
Earlier this afternoon I began a retreat with the Christchurch postulants for the Order of Malta. We are at the Franciscan Friary in Auckland for the weekend, and took a change of scenery earlier this evening to visit Holy Cross Seminary in Auckland where seminarians from the six New Zealand dioceses are in formation for the diocesan priesthood.
The meeting between these two formation groups was an inspiration to witness. Within minutes the conversation was lively with humour and depth in every minute. For an hour we shared something of what has brought each of us to this point as postulants or seminarians, united by the fact that we each know that cannot live without Jesus Christ. We prayed together the Stations of the Cross, shared Friday fish and chips together, and a couple of hours after our arrival parted as if we had known each other for much longer than this short meeting.
Without a doubt the Monday morning stories of our weekends will tell of this highlight; the encouragement of an encounter of friendship among those who follow Christ.
One of the seminarians shared this poster he had whipped up earlier today featuring our eight Christchurch seminarians. Next week I will send it out to the parishes and schools of our diocese.
Please keep us all in your prayer, the Order of Malta retreatants. and the seminarians of our national diocesan seminary.