On this Saturday morning you perhaps you are able to look ahead to a weekend that is a bit more relaxed than the work or study week. However I know too that is is very easy for time off to be filled with yet more work.
Many people struggle with getting good rest and recreation. Perhaps this is a skill we have lost. I have been encouraged greatly by the writing of German philosopher Josep Pieper. His work is widely respected by those who seek true food for faith and his thought is grounded in the Tradition of Christian faith.
This video clip gives you a break from my own reflections, and makes a point much more clearly and thoroughly than I ever could. So put your feet up and take ten minutes to savour this reflection.
From the video clip:
“Leisure is a celebratory lingering gaze of the inner eye upon the miracle and reality of creation, Today however we live in a work-centred existence, an existence that places no value on such things a reality where the values of work have begun to dominate us even in our time away from work, as we continually strive to spend our time in more efficient and productive ways. How did this become so?”
Such a good reflection, and so relevant for us today. The habit of busyness will sometimes view leisure time as emptiness needing some kind of activity. When this happens we continue to live on the surface of incarnation and do not engage with the depths In a busy day it is easy enough to take one minute awareness breaks to look beyond ourselves and see the beauty in something near us. A sense of beauty takes us to love and love takes us to God. In effect, one minute of seeing beauty becomes deep wordless prayer to our God who created beauty to feed the soul.
Thank you Joy for helping me to appreciate that all this takes is one minute awareness breaks – and that the savouring of beauty is the deep wordless prayer. This video clip moved me very much when I first saw it some years ago. There is even something in the tone of the presenter that is “leisurely” – gentle and compassionate with us souls who are at times burdened with the false idea that busy is good and important.
Thanks for this, Fr. John. Yes, I am struck by another translation of Psalm 46:10, “Have leisure and know that I am God.”