One of the sections of this Food For Faith website is entitled “listen.” In this age of computer movies and on-demand TV, listening as our ancestors did to radio comedies, documentaries and interviews is sadly a relatively rare pastime.
Many people of my age (and certainly those who are older) will remember the radio theme-tunes for popular soap-operas and comedies: click on these links for a reminder of The Archers, Doctor Paul and Men From the Ministry. Readers who were born in the 1940’s or earlier will remember the time before TV arrived in New Zealand when evening wireless entertainment included the popular comedy Dad and Dave.
My favourite time for listening these days is when I am driving (around 1000km every week). When I am in the car I sometimes listen to music, but more often I enjoy audio books and podcasts.
Thanks to podcast subscriptions (especially via iTunes on my phone), whenever I get into my car a new podcast has arrived and is ready for listening. One of my favourites is the weekly News From Lake Wobegon from Garrison Keillor who is a master story-teller.
This link will take you to his podcast page.