a New Year gift

Jan 1, 2018

Today is the final email in the Advent / Christmas pilgrimage. If you have not yet completed the brief survey please take a moment to do so by clicking on the image below. The future of this Food For Faith mission depends on your feedback – even a word or two in response to one or two of the starter questions is a huge help to us.

Now to today’s thought:

New Year Blessings to you all for a happy and holy New Yearl.

I was uncertain what to offer as a thought for this New Year’s day until a young parishioner Tomas messaged me with news of his latest animation suggesting that if I wanted to share his video it would work well alongside the well-known Serenity Prayer. Some of you will remember his work from videos earlier in the year.

Tomas’ video is exactly the encouragement that I needed to help me to accept the gift and challenge of this new year. I share it in the hope that you also find it helpful. After you watch, don’t forget to subscribe to his YouTube channel as a practical way of encouraging his talent.

First the Serenity prayer:

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change; 
courage to change the things I can; 
and wisdom to know the difference.

now Tomas’ video:


  1. Good job John and Jason. It’s been a great advent journey aptly prepared and delivered.
    Thank you both on behalf of your readership

  2. A brilliant and easy way for me to prepare better for Christmas. Just love it. Thank you.


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