just chatting

Feb 5, 2018

I was on the road very early this morning, soon after 6. As I flicked through radio channels I happened to hear the word “Mass” as one of the morning hosts on a popular Christchurch station was talking about how she was rostered on the children’s liturgy yesterday but couldn’t get her car to start.

I was struck by the open and calm way that Hilary shared with listeners her obvious commitment to her faith. As she spoke about the car she went on to talk about how she dealt with the problem saying that she called Fr. Rick to say that she wouldn’t be able to make it, and Fr. Rick responded with a very calm “no problem”.

Following on from yesterday’s “woe to me if I do not preach the gospel” reading from St. Paul, the radio chat this morning struck an easy and pleasant chord.

All we have to do is to live our faith. While at some times this may take great effort, most of the time it is just a normal living and chatting, without forcing it out, and equally not keeping it in, just a simple and relaxed living.

This morning Hilary was not trying to preach. She was simply chatting about her life and the events of yesterday morning in a very natural way.

It was refreshing to hear someone in the public eye and ear so relaxed in chatting about her Sunday morning.


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