Homily Studio

Feb 5, 2022

We have just passed the six month anniversary of the weekly Food For Faith Homily Studio, the podcast series based on the readings of the upcoming Sunday and intended primarily as a way of helping preachers to prepare their Sunday homily.

Each week FFF shares an (audio) podcast of the conversation between four or five people who have reflected, prayed and lived with the Sunday scriptures in their family, work and social environments.

The fruits of their robust engagement with the Word of God are evident in the inspiring half-hour conversations.

This year Waitangi Day falls on Sunday, and in the conversation below you can hear Kate Kearins, David Moxon, Manuel Beazley and Rosalie Connors in conversation with John O’Connor.

Click on the image below to hear this week’s podcast and sign up to receive these podcasts by adjusting your email preferences at this link.


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