Many of you who read these daily reflections are familiar with traditional forms of Christian worship, following a confession of sins and an opening prayer we sit to hear to the scriptures of the day.
I suppose this is a bit of a confession from me but there are times when I see the reader walk to the ambo, and I’m very ready to hear what God is going to say to me through these scriptures, but more often than I like to admit something happens the moment by backside hits the seat and suddenly it’s time to stand for the Gospel Acclamation.
I’m never sure what happens. I think I’m just grateful for the chance to sit in silence in the good company of parishioners and my mind and heart and ears go everywhere except to the Word of God being read.
Enough of my confession, except to add that when I do take time to listen to and pray with the scriptures I am deeply nourished in a way that I know to be the direct and personal communication of God to me.
So something a bit different today, to help us to digest the Word of God in today’s scriptures. You might like to take half an hour to listen to today’s Homily Studio below. And here are a couple of sections from today’s readings that spoke very deeply to me.
My suggestion is that you perhaps skim these passages then return to whichever verse you sense Jesus might want you to stay with taking this as your mantra for the day.
From Isaiah:
Amen beautiful reflection Father John really interesting and to think about God bless
Oh my goodness. Thankyou all so much. I did not want the podcast ( my first) to end. Diverse perspectives and wonderful interpretations shared. It was Ike sitting down to a wonderful banquet that just kept on going!! I feel full and now need to rest, process and enjoy reflecting on the rich nourishing words I have heard. Wow…. So much food for thought. Thankyou and God Bless
John, you could always try a cushion? 😉
For reflection, the te reo Māori Word for ‘Woman’ in Jesus’s ‘Woman, has no one condemned you?’
Is ‘e tai’ which means ‘dearly loved; person of beauty’. Jesus restored her dignity in that word…
Love this. Especially the fact everyone got what they needed through a beautiful encounter with Jesus. From the Pharisees, who presented the woman to him (even if for the wrong reasons), and the woman herself who received redemption. A great reminder of where we find the gateway to heaven, plus food for the journey! Amen.
Many thanks to all who share their thoughts through the Homily Studio discussions. Having a variety of insights really enriches my own contemplation of the scriptures. I would just like to offer one suggestion that would improve the experience – please either close all other applications on your computer while recording the session or at least mute the notification sounds. It’s distracting hearing the pings randomly sound. Blessings to you all
thank you for your honesty. I so often have those blank moments and hope noone would ask me what I had heard.
Preparing a reading before hearing it makes the Lords word real.
God bless you
I can’t get to Mass at the moment so really appreciate both these daily messages and the weekly insight into the Sunday readings. You and your panel have made the potential of a meeting with Jesus so much more real for me – thank you!
Love your honesty. Fr John. That is a very familiar situation in my life.
Finding much food for thought in. these Lenten reflections