Tikkun Olam

Sep 25, 2023


If you are ready for a broader faith perspective you might appreciate this offering, not a regular written post but a half-hour podcast conversation between people from the three great Abrahamic (or monotheistic) faiths, Judaism, Islam and Christianity.

The title: Tikkun Olam - Rebuilding the World

Click here to listen, or on the image below.  You can also listen on your favourite podcast platform - just search "Food For Faith."

Dr. Hafsa Ahmed was born in Hyderabad, India and came to Aotearoa New Zealand in 2007. She is the co-founder and trustee of Lady Khadija Charitable Trust which operates with the motto of “Empowering communities through compassion”. MNZM (awarded 2022)

Dr. Paul Blaschke is an active member and past Board Chair of Temple Sinai in Wellington.  He’s trying to retire from his career as an independent environmental consultant, but keeps active in voluntary environmental restoration work, and especially in Jewish and Interfaith environmental activism.

Dr. Mary Eastham QSM, (awarded 2023 for services to Interfaith communities) from St. Brigid's Catholic parish Palmerston North, a member of the Religious Diversity Centre Climate Action Work Group, and appointed a Fellow of the Association of Practical Theology in Oceania (APTO) in 2021.

Your comments below are appreciated and will provide the agenda for future conversations and podcasts.



  1. Thank you all for such a vivid example of mature faith in action with deep listening and approaching the other with love. This conversation gave me hope that this month’s Synod will embrace the same spirit of cooperation where “all women and men of goodwill are breathing together.” Let’s hope.

  2. I found this podcast very interesting and informative and it was done in such a reverent and respecrful way. I liked the shared focus on the care of creation and the fair distribution of earth’s resources to all.

  3. It is indeed ‘good for us to be here’ to hear this inspiring conversation.
    Breathing together to listen, learn & love – a thought provoking boost to my day – thank you very much.
    I hope this ‘conspiracy of co-operation’ can continue to be created and shared on FFF (& maybe wider?)

  4. We are all human, made in God’s image and likeness. It was a blessing to hear the dialogue between faiths and the sharing of your perspectives, in harmony. We can all learn from each other. May we all be blessed by the faith passed on to us from Abraham, Issac and Jacob.

  5. Just imagine what the world would be like if all the world’s religions could live in peace and cooperation, and accept each other’s differences. I believe that a knowledge of God is built into our DNA, hence, people all through human existence have known of a supreme intelligence controlling the universe. As our physical mind cannot conceive of, or understand a non-corporeal intelligence, religions have evolved in each new civilisation.


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