John on sabbatical

Jul 16, 2024


I thought you might appreciate this thirty minute podcast in which I am interviewed by Triona Doocey with some challenging questions about what I’m up to during these sabbatical weeks.

Our conversation begins with what and where – with some reflections on my US time, collating the Fifth Gospel project, a few days visiting a Thin Place in Scotland, and these two months living in a Franciscan community in Assisi. But there’s a lot more too, some reflection on the centrality of Christ for people of faith, and some thoughts about the nature and purpose of the church.

Happy listening, and I look forward to reading your own thoughts in the comments section below.

And click here for a link to the 2024 August Rimini meeting.


  1. I love the photo of walking in the hills in the Assisi area and the poppies. have not listened to podcast yet

  2. We listened to this podcast tonight Father John and we have been following your travels during your sabbatical. This podcast gave us a lot of food for thought about our own family who do not attend church but lead good lives. Their actions reassure us that they still have faith and that Jesus is very much alive.

  3. I have listened to the conversation with interest and excitement. Christ is alive! The term Lay people often has a diminishing connotation. Thanks John.


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