“The angel Gabriel
was sent by God
to a town in Galilee
called Nazareth…”
Luke 1:26
Its a common conversation conclusion, anticipating and hoping for a future contact: “give me a call.”
Often the words we use in casual conversation with others are the very words we might need to use with God.
“God, give me a call.”
And of course when we invite someone to call we live in anticipation of the call. When will it be? Will the call be by phone or in person? Will someone else bring a message?
So if I ask God to call, when or how will the message come? Who will be the messenger?
In the scriptures God’s messengers are often experienced as “angels.”
You might be surprised by this but It’s actually a bit of an insult to call someone an angel since angels are not human.
I would rather be called a human since that is what I am.
But I hope I am always ready to listen to anyone who (like an angel) delivers a personal message from God to me.
It is usual in a scriptural account of the appearance of an angel for the messenger to speak first encouraging a person to not be afraid. This is because sadly we don’t live in constant and ready expectation of hearing Jesus speak to us. Therefore when it does happen, when God does speak, we can be a bit shaken and doubt the divine origin of the communication I have received.
Gabriel greets Mary warmly: “Greetings, favoured one! The Lord is with you.” The conversation continued with Mary able to honestly express her confusion as she pondered the meaning and the message of the visit.
It’s helpful to remember that every message from God, whoever or whatever the messenger, is for our good.
The one who desires to live in relationship with Christ will not only live with a lively expectancy of hearing Jesus speak, but welcome even the most unlikely or unexpected messenger at any hour of the day or night.
Take an initiative and send me a date time and place for a FFF cafe-catchups john@fff.org.nz. I’ll advertise these on each morning’s post throughout Advent.
Sunday 22 December 2024 at 11.00am with Noreen
Topiary Cafe, Wals Nursery Bush Road,
Mosgiel, Otago
I don’t spend long hours in contemplation but before I go to sleep at night I say God if you want something from me let me know in the morning. I often wake with a thought that requires action during the day actions that God requires or supports. Yesterday when I read the reflection about taking time to pray throughout the day I asked God to provide the space but doubted that I would turn any space to prayer or reflection. I decided to take children to the park to work of some energy they left me to it and did. I found myself sitting quietly on a seat surveying the green ruby field near the park contemplating on my day when the thought popped into my mind God is here. I have a 9 year old girl living at our home she often tells me that when she was younger God spoke to her she heard God’s voice but can’t remember what God said, she is very sure though and is very convincing.