I arrived in Manila on Thursday in time for a catch up with a group I have worked with for many years, then early the next morning I was on a plane to GenSan on the island of Mindanao for some sessions with the Trappistine (OSCO) sisters.
My first visit to the sisters was perhaps fifteen years ago, and with frequent visits in the years since they have become friends. The community is growing both in numbers and in maturity of faith-filled focus on Christ. The main purpose of my visit this time is to focus on the centrality of Christ as presented in the work of Italian theologian Luigi Giussani, with an unpacking of one of his key books on encounter with Christ: At the Origin of the Christian Claim.
In a post a couple of days ago I suggested that after my bout of food poisoning when I got back from Indonesia last month I would spend these few Philippines days fasting. Well that didn’t last long – and all caution was cast aside when I was presented with a chocolate ordination anniversary cake at dinner tonight.
On 7 December 1985 I was ordained priest. Thirty-nine years ago which means I am now in my fortieth year!
The monastery, the home of these 45 sisters, is in the hills about 45 minutes drive from GenSan airport. It is a peaceful place, a beautiful retreat, where the rhythm of bells calling us to prayer seems constant. While bedtime is soon after 7.00pm the first bell for the day is for 3.00am Vigils, then Lauds and Mass at 6.00.
I was happy to celebrate Mass for the community this morning, and I will tomorrow for the sisters with many locals at 10.00.
The Trappistine sisters are an enclosed community, devoting their lives to prayer, with much of their day in silence. So I’m sure exactly what they are taking away from each session.
There are a number of lines in today’s scriptures for the Second Sunday in Advent which I think provide a good overall title for the sessions. The one which leaps out at me as i head to bed this Saturday night is from the Baruch reading:
The name God will give you for ever will be Peace through Integrity.
Take an initiative and send me a date time and place for a FFF cafe-catchups john@fff.org.nz. I’ll advertise these on each morning’s post throughout Advent.
Wednesday 11 December 10.30am with Christina
Zenders Cafe and Venue
44 Hopkins Rd Newstead, Hamilton
Thursday 12 December 10.00am with Joan
Stumble Inn, 200 Mangorei Road
Merrilands, New Plymouth
Monday 16th December 11.00am with Gillian
Cypress Café 10 St Heliers Bay Road
St Heliers, Auckland
Tuesday 17 December 10.30 with Catherine
Colombus at Mitre 10 MEGA
25 Bouverie St, Petone, Lower Hutt.
Thursday 19 December 10.00am with Joan
Stumble Inn, 200 Mangorei Road
Merrilands, New Plymouth
The Filipino brothers at the Southern Star Abbey, Kopua are adding considerably to the worship and work of the community.