“Jesus had gone into the Temple and was teaching,
when the chief priests and the elders of the people
came to him and said,
‘What authority have you for acting like this?
And who gave you this authority?’”
Matthew 21
We are right to be suspicious of many who wield authority in our world. However true authority is necessary for happy and healthy human life.
This is why the teaching of Jesus was so attractive. “his teaching made a deep impression on them because, unlike the scribes, he taught them with authority.”
If you are not convinced of what I am saying, you might like to test this.
Decide now that this week you will live the life of the God fully. You will have a pretty good idea of what you know to be right and wrong, good and bad. You will know too what the Church offers as truth. And, you will also have a pretty sound interior sense of what God is nudging you away from, and towards.
This week, take all of this on board as your ‘way of life’ one hundred percent.
Add to your decision a commitment to pray regularly, perhaps a few moments often during each day, and a couple of longer periods.
If you do this, I guarantee that after a day or two, you will notice a difference in your life that delights you.
You will feel more connected with God.
You will have a strong sense that you are growing beyond much of what has limited you earlier.
You will also have a sense that you are on a new and ultimate adventure.
And, like the millions around the world who have lived this life across the centuries, and today, you will feel as though you are living anew.
If you don’t believe me, try it!
Take an initiative and send me a date time and place for a FFF cafe-catchups john@fff.org.nz. I’ll advertise these on each morning’s post throughout Advent.
TODAY Monday 16th December 11.00am with Gillian
Cypress Café 10.00am St Heliers Bay Road
St Heliers, Auckland
Tuesday 17 December 10.30 with Catherine
Colombus at Mitre 10 MEGA
25 Bouverie St, Petone, Lower Hutt.
Thursday 19 December 10.00am with Joan
Stumble Inn, 200 Mangorei Road
Merrilands, New Plymouth
Sunday 22 December 2024 at 11.00am with Noreen
Topiary Cafe, Wals Nursery Bush Road,
Mosgiel, Otago
Hi Father John, I think you have nailed it! Remarkably simple but remarkably true. To be able to discern good teaching from bad is so important in this modern day when we are presented with so much stuff which can be blatant lies or at least biased We have a good template in our Christian walk
based on true and honest doctrine.
I agree with your comment re ‘blatant lies’ oh, have I observed that in the city with all it’s merchandise and advertising for Christmas! Not one nativity scene in shop windows* and a dearth of religious Christmas, cards for sale. So sad.
* I was told Petone Pak ‘n Save (Wellington where I live) has a huge nativity scene up at the entrance. Owners apparently local Catholic parishioners. Hallelujah!
I relate to your use of “nudging “ the Holy Spirit nudges me regularly and always helps with direction.
Agreed! I started doing just what you ‘ve advised, this Advent. In an effort to not just prepare better for Christmas but to form a new habit of delaying (and eventually dismissing) my’ check the phone for news/Pinterest’ after breakfast. I have more peace, more focus, more obedience!!