Join John Kleinsman, Siân Owen and Laurel Lanner in conversation reflecting on the scriptures for the Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time. This Sunday is also celebrated as Support Life Sunday.
Read the scriptures for this Sunday at this link.
Resources for Support Life Sunday are available at the NZCBC website at this link.
Several Resources are mentioned in this podcast including the Declaration Dignitas Infinita from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (at this link). The 1995 Encyclical Letter of John Paul II Evangelii Vitae on the Value and Inviolability of Human Life (at this link). The 2023 letter from the NZ Bishops Te Kahu o te Ora: A Consistent Ethic of Life, (at this link).
Resources also available on the website of The Nathaniel Centre at this link.
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