Catherine quotes Kath Rushton’s book The Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor, Hearing Justice in John’s Gospel. Find the Kindle edition at this link.
Some relevant “abiding” quotations from Kath’s book:
“Abiding suggests a community of interrelationship, mutuality and indwelling. It expresses Jesus’ relationship with God (John 15:10), Jesus’ relationship with the community (15:4, 9) and the community’s relationship with Jesus” (15:1,7). p.154
“Evoked again and again in John is the biblical figure of Wisdom-Sophia, who is associated with ‘abiding’ and friendship… Wisdom ‘is an image of God’s goodness … she can do all things, and while abiding in herself, she renews all things … passes into holy souls and makes them friends of God, and prophets” (Wisd. 7:26-27). p.157
“The word ‘abide’ is best known from 15:1-17, where it is found 15 times to suggest that deep, continuous union with Jesus is always present. Previously, Jesus had given assurance that he would always be present in the community. Now, he explains how this will be so”. p.157
More info on John’s Fifth Gospel Project at this link – an invitation to write up to 400 words on one personal experience of God.