“In sketching the pope’s profile, Monda decisively places two of his virtues at center stage, humility “and its most delectable fruit,” humor”:
“They are two words that find in ‘humus,’ earth, a common etymological root. The one who is ‘earth earth,’ who does not become arrogant, is at the same time humble and endowed with humor, because he realizes that there is a world greater than his own ego, and beyond this world, Someone even greater. Humility and humor are the secret of life, above all for a Catholic, and they are two traits that place in the highest ranks the man Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI, no less than his work.”
“I’m not a man who constantly thinks up jokes. But I think it’s very important to be able to see the funny side of life and its joyful dimension and not to take everything too tragically. I’d also say it’s necessary for my ministry. A writer once said that angels can fly because they don’t take themselves too seriously. Maybe we could also fly a bit if we didn’t think we were so important.”
is also the true precondition for ‘humor’;