Filipino gathering

Nov 12, 2013

It was a privilege to celebrate Mass earlier this evening with members of the Filipino community and friends in our parish of Good Shepherd, Hurunui. We offered this Mass for all the people of the Philippines, especially those who are living these days with loss, grief and suffering in the midst of the trauma of earthquake and typhoon. 
We prayed also for all those who have died. May they rest in God’s peace.

If you wish to donate to the New Zealand bishops’ Caritas appeal for the people of the Philippines you can contribute via the Caritas website at this link:
Or you can support this appeal following the directions below (taken from the Caritas website)
  • By direct deposit via the internet to our account number 030 518 0211216 00:
    • Include in the reference section: your Caritas Reference number (if known) & surname with initials
    • Email us to advise us of the deposit, specify ‘Philippines Appeal’; and include your postal address and phone number.
  • Phone 0900 4 11 11 to make an automatic $20 donation – a debit in the name of ‘Caritas’ will be added to your next telephone account. 
  • Phone 0800 22 10 22 to make a credit card donation (during office hours)
  • Post a cheque to Caritas Freepost 689, PO Box 12193, Thorndon, Wellington 6144.


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