Late last week I arrived in the Philippines for a series of retreats / spiritual exercises with communities in General Santos, Manila and Cebu. Yesterday I completed the first sessions with a group here at the Trappistine Abbey about 45 minutes from Gensan city and a couple of reflections with the growing community of Trappistine nuns at the Abbey.
These days have been full and internet connection scarce hence my absence from cyberspace. It is now early Monday morning and I have a few moments before heading to the airport for the flight to Manila, so a chance for an update.
I remember someone years ago saying that the reason they kept returning to a parish reflection group was that ‘where the Holy Spirit was working, it is good to be in the vicinity.’ Last night as I strolled in the Abbey garden in the cool of the evening, I was flooded with gratitude to God for giving me the opportunity to be with these people in whom the Holy Spirit is so visibly active.
At the heart of our reflections has been the urgency of personalisation and maturation of faith. Too many of us fail to move beyond a childish legalism and moralism that reduces Christ to religious practices motivated by fear. Deep with in each of us is the desire for much more – for LIFE! Such full human life can only be found in relationship with the One who is making us.