One of the highlights of my monthly reading is the Traces magazine of the Communion & Liberation community. A couple of months ago the decision was taken to no longer publish a hard-copy magazine in English, but to move this edition to a digital format. I was nervous, until I saw the first edition. Both the website at and the pdf format magazine downloadable at the the same website are great, and the new free format makes the content easily available to a wider audience.
You can download this month’s issue at this link.
God is unrelenting in making His people see that the method of the beginning also enables an impact on all the following processes of history. This is how He challenges the scepticism of the people and seeks to sustain their hope. But this seems too little to us, too weak, too lacking in impact, almost ridiculous and disproportionate given the dimensions of the problems we have to face every day. This is the reason the ancient people of Israel often yielded to the temptation to come to terms with those in power–whoever they might be, Egypt or Babylon, this is secondary–to seek a foundation for their own certainty. God does not change His path, and to continue His design for changing the world…
Fr. Julian Carron in Traces January 2015