I have been feeling a bit (as they say) “off colour” for the past week or two. The relaxation of the retreat days during the Easter Octave probably enabled all the bugs in me to come to the surface, and some new ones managed to penetrate my defences. I dosed up on a few of my favourite remedies, and when these didn’t seem to make a difference I decided to get a bit more sleep than usual. In short I felt miserable and couldn’t even manage the energy to do many of the things I enjoy like uploading regular postings to Food For Faith.
My “off-colourness” was noticed by a few people and caused some wonderfully encouraging responses from some.
Among these wonderful encouragements were the offer of Chicken Soup, and a bag of lemons. I wasn’t able to pick up the soup, but the lemons were delivered to me at Mass last Sunday morning. The colour of the lemons was a healing sight in itself. They are the colour of Easter morning – and even moreso when they are sliced. That night at a very early 7pm bedtime I juiced the lemons, added some honey, gave the mixture a burst in the microwave, added the secret ingredient, drank the elixir, and went to bed where I slept for 12 hours without waking. The next morning I felt 100% better.
The second great encouragement was from a number of people who missed the Food For Faith postings both here on the website and at the Facebook space.
Thank you. I think I’m back on track again.