a calling

Jun 18, 2015

Early every morning here at Mundelein, as the sun is rising, I walk around the lake on the university campus. The circle takes about 45 minutes. This campus, the lake, the woods and the buildings, make up what is without a doubt one of the most beautiful university campus’ in the world.

But there is a beauty that far surpasses the scenic and architectural, and that is the people I have met here, and who have helped to deepen my own relationship with Jesus Christ as his priest.

The seminary has produced a number of inspiring videos, especially encouraging young(ish) men to appreciate that if God is calling them to serve him as a priest, then this is the way they will find most fulfillment in live.

Yesterday at “thinking next year” I shared one video. Here is another. You might like to share this with young men who might be interested.



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